We have been doing some fun cyber safety activities these last couple of weeks. Parents, here are some tips for you and your child.
Tomorrow is Friday! Reminder it is orange and black day. Go Little Jacks!
On Friday's your child is invited to wear orange and black. Go Little Jacks!
Parents if you are interested in signing up your child for K-12 Student and Athlete Insurance for the 2022/2023 school year, please use the link below.
Sign up here:
Just a reminder.
Awards Day
May 25th for Kindergarten, First and Second grades.
Kindergarten 8:00-8:45
First Grade 8:45-9:30
Second Grade 9:30-10:15
May 26th for Third, Fourth, and Fifth grades.
Third 8:00-8:45
Fourth Grade 8:45-9:30
Fifth Grade 9:30-10:15
You may check your child out afterwards.
Attention: Cherry River Elementary 5th and 4th grade students who attended the field trip today are expected to return to the school between 5:30 - 5:45.
Awards Day is next week.
May 25th for Kindergarten, First and Second grades.
Kindergarten 8:00-8:45
First Grade 8:45-9:30
Second Grade 9:30-10:15
May 26th for Third, Fourth, and Fifth grades.
Third 8:00-8:45
Fourth Grade 8:45-9:30
Fifth Grade 9:30-10:15
You may check your child out afterwards.
Mr. Nicholas and his wonderful crew got the students all excited for Summer Boost Camp! There’s some amazingly fun stuff planned. You don’t want to miss out. Sign your child up here https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=S7AZ4AwzekaLrgn7FzdNal9gFj6rTDpEndsoG8ao7BpUMks3VTRFRUxaQVI5WTIyVE1ES1RIMTEzWC4u
Hope to see you there 😀
Congratulations to our April CHOP students! Way to go! Keep up the good work!
4th & 5th Grade will holding a Parent Meeting on May 5th @ 3:00 P.M to discuss upcoming field trip to Virginia Safari Park at Cherry River Elementary.
Please attend this meeting if you plan on allowing the child to go or if you have any questions.
Thank you!
Mrs. Willey & Mrs. Rosemary
Join us on May 3rd for our Taste of CRE family event. Sample some great food, plus there will be a few airfryers given away. Please use the attached link to sign up for a time slot. Hope to see you there. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0e4eada62ea5fec70-taste
Join us on May 3rd for our Taste of CRE family event. Please use the attached link to sign up for a time slot. Hope to see you there.
Your child’s school and Save the Children would like feedback regarding how well the school welcomed and communicated with families. (Your school received support from Save the Children this past year.) Filling out this survey will help your school and Save the Children learn what worked for you and your family and what we could do better.
Please click the link to take the survey. Thank you!
Congratulations to our Teacher of the Year, Rebecca Humphreys and Service Person of the Year, Heather Young.
Next Parent Child group is Wednesday April 13. Let Ms. Ruth Mullens know if you plan to come.
You do not need to be enrolled in Early Steps to come. If you have a Child 0-5 who does not yet come to school, they are welcome.
LSIC Meeting on April 13, 2022 at 9:15am.
Congratulations to our March CHOP students! Keep up the great work!
Just a friendly reminder, there is no school for students on Monday, March the 14 due to a professional development day for teachers. However, please join us that afternoon from three to five for our Math Fun Night.
We hope to see you there!
Congratulations to Mrs. Willey!! She is this week’s county winner for the Over and Beyond award. Thank you for all that you do for CRE!