Title 1 Comptact
Student/Teacher/Parent Compact
This compact was designed to serve as a tool by which the school, parents, and students will develop and build a partnership to help students with the WV Student Performance Standards.
As a parent or guardian, I will encourage my child’s learning by:
* Requiring regular school attendance
* Providing a quiet, well lighted study area
* Establishing a regular time for homework
* Encouraging positive attitudes about school
* Attending parent-teacher conferences and other school events as I am able
As a student, I will become an active partner in my own learning by:
* Attending school regularly
* Completing my assignments
* Respecting personal rights and property of others
* Being on time for classes
* Cooperating with parents and teachers
As a teacher, I will encourage and support student’s learning by:
* Demonstrating care and concern for each student
* Providing high-quality instruction in a supportive and effective learning environment that enables the children served to meet the WV Student Performance Standards
* Providing parents with regular reports on their child’s progress
* Welcoming the participation of parents in the classroom and their support in helping the child reach the educational goals
* Holding at least one parent-teacher conference
As a principal, I support this compact and shall strive to do the following by:
* Providing an environment that allows for positive communication between the teacher, parent, and student
* Providing a quality curriculum and instructional practices that will allow students to become effective citizens
* Providing opportunities for parents to have reasonable access to staff for conferences and the opportunity to participate in their child’s class
The commitments on this page are voluntary and not legally binding.